Submitted by Single Adults And Recovery Ministries on Thursday, Feb 27, 2025
I have known Ruthann for about two years. As a member of our congregation, she has faithfully served the Lord. In the time I have known her I have had the privilege of witnessing the anointing of God upon her in her ministry as a speaker. She has spoken in our women's ministry and has developed a special ministry with our grief recovery groups. Ruthann's heart comes through with a sensitive and compassionate elegance as she shares with others what the Lord has done in her life. I would recommend her without hesitation. Thank you and God bless your ministry.
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Submitted by Christian Friend on Monday, Oct 28, 2024
Ruthann wears many hats: mother, daughter, teacher, speaker, friend, and author. She takes her roles seriously and fully gives herself to every task at hand. The most important hat she wears is living her life as a Christian. This is a visible thread throughout every area of her life. God has touched her heart and changed her life. Ruthann is a consistent radiant testimony who points the way to her Savior in her every day life. Having the pleasure of attending one of her meetings, I know she is a very compassionate speaker who empathizes and communicates with her audience. Ruthann is yielded to God and He speaks freely through her. I highly recommend Ruthann as a speaker.
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Submitted by Adult Education on Friday, May 17, 2024
It is a privilege to recommend to you Ruthann Bosley as a woman of God, disciple of Jesus Christ and gifted communicator. As Director of Adult Education, I have had the privilege of observing Ruthann's walk of faith and obedience to God's call on her life. She has been faithful to her Lord, her family and the family of believers as she has participated in the congregational life of First Friends Church. Ruthann has the ability to relate to others the power of God at work in her life. In sharing her life experiences, she is able to articulate her challenges and joys, her weaknesses and the enabling of the Lord along the way. I have personally observed the spirit of encouragement and hope that results following her times of speaking. I have no reservations in recommending Ruthann to you for consideration as a women's conference speaker.
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