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Rachel Britz

Christian Speaker
Mankato Minnesota 56001

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Delivering cookies and good news.

Delivering cookies and good news.

Contact Information

Mankato, MN 56001
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Crossview Covenant Church
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Speaking Experience
Experienced (over 10 events)
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More About Rachel Britz

RACHEL BRITZ is a compassionate friend, story teller, and advocate for those in seasons of grief, loss, and transition. She is a faith and inspiration writer and cookie artist. She is the author of “Good-Bye, Lover” a Christian historical novel based in Ireland. Rachel is passionate about helping Christians live life with freedom and purpose.

Book her to speak and she'll bring cookie gifts and Good News! 


What others are saying...

"Rachel has a unique gift of weaving together the truths of Scripture with powerful stories and a contagious passion for life. Her personal journey is filled with examples of God's transforming work, and she loves to help others find freedom and life through Christ." - Brian Brinkert, Lead Pastor at Two Rivers Vineyard Church

“Rachel was a joy to have speak at Winsome! Not only did she generously share her writing expertise in her Writing Christian Fiction workshop, but she truly entered into the community of women attending our retreat. Rachel is a humble, warm and welcoming woman, and it was a blessing to work with her.” - Kim Hyland, Founder of The Winsome Retreat

Speaking Topics:

Be Sheep: Learning to Trust 

Journey with Rachel to the country of Ireland where she witnessed first-hand the unique lifestyle of sheep from two radically different perspectives. Learn about the role of a shepherd and the qualities it’s sheep possess. With relational storytelling this message offers a deeper understanding of our role in the flock of believers.

Untangled: Living Life with Freedom & Purpose

Untangled is about discovering our calling through the most unlikely of places; our sin. Rachel shares from a very raw, personal place of suffering under the weight of her monster sin; alcoholism. Her’s is a story of deliverance, redemption and grace. In this powerful message we’ll discuss those areas in our life that need to be brought before the Lord, so that we may move ahead, and run this race with freedom and confidence, once and for all. And we’ll learn that God is most glorified through our testimony.

Unwrap the Tradition of Joy

Traditions are intended to communicate meaning and purpose. Throughout God’s word we find stories filled with rituals and customs that help to communicate through the generations about God’s unfailing love towards his people. Unwrapping the tradition of joy is a Christmas journey through God’s word about His unique gift of joy to each one of us. Life is hard. But when we understand this mystery of joy and how to use it in our lives, under any circumstance, trial or suffering, we can learn to face the days ahead with peace and confidence. This is a gift worth unwrapping. This is a gift worth passing on to the generations.

Truth Tales: A beginners guide to writing Christian fiction

You have the perfect story idea: the people, the place, and the journey. You can see it all (well, almost all of it), in your minds eye. The problem is just one thing, where do you begin?

There is a BIG difference between crafting fiction vs. nonfiction. Together we’ll develop a solid writing plan, set goals, and create your very own storyboard! We’ll discuss how weaving perfect Biblical truth into perfectly flawed characters can offer, if done correctly, a beautifully crafted truth tale. This session on writing Christian Fiction will give you the confidence to begin. It’s your story, what in the world are you waiting for.