Submitted by Heartlifters Bible Study on 10/21/2022
“Daneen has done an exceptional job bringing many women of the Bible to a better understanding through her songs and dramatizations. I think she captured the spirit of Eve. Her story is biblically accurate, while utilizing modern language. Her “Bad Girls of the Bible Rap Song” was highly enjoyable and a “first” in our church! In addition, her story of Ruth showed heartfelt emotion which brought the character to life. I really appreciated the way she distinguished the Adulteress Woman from Mary Magdalene, and how she continued the story after the stoning that never happened. I highly recommend other churches to experience her talents that God has given her.”
"Daneen has done an exceptional job bringing many women of the Bible to a better understanding through her songs and dramatizations. I think she captured the spirit of Eve. Her story is biblically accurate, while utilizing modern language. Her “Bad Girls of the Bible Rap Song” was highly enjoyable and a “first” in our church! In addition, her story of Ruth showed heartfelt emotion which brought the character to life. I really appreciated the way she distinguished the Adulteress Woman from Mary Magdalene, and how she continued the story after the stoning that never happened. I highly recommend other churches to experience her talents that God has given her.”
Submitted by Gloria Dei Lutheran Church on 11/28/2023
I have seen three of Daneen's "Bad Girls of the Bible" shows and can't say how much myself and the entire audience all three times enjoyed her performances. She is always a raving hit! Daneen is gifted with an ingenious, magical way of 'bringing to life' the real stories of the Bible's most influential women. Witnessing her show, you are transported back in time. You become personally and intimately involved in the stories, enabling you to understand them in an emotional way that is no less than anointed. It is a perfect way to teach these Biblical stories, and their significance to people in all stages of life, seniors, adults and children. Performing for my senior group at the retirement home, Daneen was able to keep all their attention completely (no easy task!) and some of the women were so involved they were giggling out loud with delight as she told her story........
Submitted by Truth And Community Church on 06/02/2023
"Bad Girls of the Bible" stories, written and performed by Daneen are very entertaining and her content is scripturally right on! It is quite apparent that she has diligently done her research on these women. She has great rapport with her audience and keeps their attention while educating them. I would highly recommend her for enhancing a sermon or giving one of her songs and dramatizations as the sermon or leading a Bible study."
Submitted by Capistrano Community Church on 01/26/2023
Daneen's bad girls are all sent to empower women. She shows the strength of each character while giving glory to God in each women's words. A successful combination! Pastor Brenda Bos Christ Lutheran Church, San Clemente, Ca.
Submitted by Christ Lutheran Church, San Clemente, Ca on 02/25/2022
I was so impressed by Daneen's ballad of Esther. I don't think I ever saw a balladeer (except in movies) before, and she was amazing! You have the art down to perfection. You will be a priceless addition to our show.
Submitted by President Of Village Publishers, Laguna Woods, Ca. on 11/22/2021
I thoroughly enjoyed learning more from Daneen's presentation. She brought the stories I had read so many years ago in a different book and those in the Bible to life and gave them meaning to me in today's life. I have been reading her book one chapter at a time and doing the reflections. Thank you...just what I need.
Submitted by St Edwards The Confessor Catholic Church on 09/23/2021
Thank you for your time, talent and presentation of Women of the Bible for St. Edward the Confessor's May 2017 Serenity Day. Your creative talent is truly a gift that you are graciously sharing. It has been my pleasure spending time hearing from you how God has led you, and keeps leading you on His holy path.
Submitted by St. Edward The Confessor's Catholic Church, Dana Point, Ca. on 08/29/2017