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Tara Johnson

Christian Speaker
Benton Arkansas 72019

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Being a recovering people-pleaser is about learning to embrace love instead of approval.

Being a recovering people-pleaser is about learning to embrace love instead of approval.

Contact Information

Benton, AR 72019
United States of America

Speaking Ministry Details

Salvation Date
Home Church
Spring Creek Baptist
Relationship to Church
Regularly Attends
Speaking Experience
Full Time (over 20 events per year)
Fee Range
Works with Your Budget

More About Tara Johnson

Tara Johnson is an author, recording artist, and fun, vulnerable, and energizing speaker, who loves to share stories that help people break free from the lies they believe about themselves.



Tara’s debut novel Engraved on the Heart (Tyndale) earned a starred review from Publishers Weekly, and was a finalist in the Carol and Christy awards. Tara has been published by Tyndale House, Annie’s, and Guideposts. In addition to being published in a variety of digital and print magazines, she is a certified body language expert and has been on radio, television and podcasts. She is a preacher's kid and loves to share about overcoming people pleasing, depression, and anxiety through humor, music, and story.