Live, Love, Learn, Lead... and Leave a great Legacy
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Norva Semoy Abiona is a Relationship and Business coach, mentor, trainer, international speaker and author of The Wise Wife Manifesto, Have It All and the Amazon #1 International bestselling book ‘Time to Go!’ She is the CEO and founder of Real Fulfilment International, the umbrella company for The Warrior Queen Movement, The Wise Wife and My Choice Marriage. Known as “The Relationship Change Catalyst” Norva helps wives create the truly fulfilling life and relationship they want and deserve. She focuses her attention on promoting to wives how no matter what negative situation they may face, they can ‘Overcome through Change!’
Norva graduated with her MA in Management Studies and also has an impressive list of other qualifications. She spent over 15 years teaching and as a facilitator. Working in the community and with couples, families and government organisations, she has helped to resolve conflict, restore broken relationships and thus transform homes and lives. In 2009 she received the Mediator of the year award in her former public sector job.
Over the last couple years Norva has taken her relationship expertise online and has become well recognized for her knowledge and experience. She has been featured internationally on podcasts, magazines, radio shows, in books, news posts, blogs and in videos. She has shared platforms with people like Les Brown, Actress Kim Coles and Mr. George C Fraser. Norva has done this while being a devoted wife and mother of a teenager and two toddlers.’
Norva’s personal mission is to help 1,000,000 wives create the happy and fulfilled lives that they deserve