Unlock the transformative power of God's grace with this compelling session designed to breathe new life into your audience's faith journey. In a world where the enemy thrives...
Many of us at one time or another lost something that caused trauma, or perhaps we lost everything at one time like "the perfect storm." Some have lost loved ones,...
"Embarking on a journey into new beginnings is like stepping into the dawn of a fresh day, where the possibilities are as boundless as the horizon. It is a time to embrace change,...
Do you ever wish you could have a do over? You can! In this message, Deedy will have you laughing and maybe even crying as she shares from God's word how new and long-time believers...
We CAN live new, we CAN be FRESH and Restoration is only a prayer away. Join Deedy as she shares with your group what God’s word shows us on being Renewed, Refreshed...
Whether you're looking at a new year, springtime, or any new start in life, Kelly discusses the new beginnings in the Bible, history and, with humor, intertwines life stories...
Forgiveness, a word that is often used when offended by someone or someone has offended you. However forgiveness is necessary for healing in your life, but it's not easy extending...
I will take you into the life of Esther as she begins as an orphan, and is taken to the palace for a chance to become queen! She enters into three phases of beauty treatments....