This is a lively and convicting talk that helps us free ourselves from what can keep us from an abiding relationship with Jesus, even if we call it ministry. Judy shares some very...
Some life events can leave us depressed, despondent, and perhaps even suicidal. Many Christians can and do suffer in silence. With a commonsense approach, Judy Salisbury discusses...
God designed food to nourish and sustain us, but in today’s world, it has become a stronghold that distracts, destroys, and derails us from our divine purpose. In this eye-opening...
Our views of ourselves and our places in the world are limited unless we go to God first. Jessica encourages women to rest in the security of God's love for His daughters, and...
Life is a journey filled with treacherous roadways, a persnickety physical engine, and endless obstacles along the way. But it’s also a glorious adventure packed with passionate...
This training session entails a comprehensive study of progressive leadership and what it takes in today’s work environment to build a strong foundation for organizational success...
What really happened when we first encountered God? We didn’t catch him off guard. I will show you the path that God prepared for you before you were ever born . . . the path...