In this inspiring session, we will explore the profound and beautiful metaphor of the Church as the Bride of Christ. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to...
As a Christian, we are called, “the bride of Christ”! But did you know we are also bridesmaids? In this retreat we’ll explore the role of a servant bridesmaid. The...
Do you feel like the Bride of Christ? You can! Watch the movie, "Princess Bride" before you come, and arrive ready to meet Buttercup! Together we'll explore your true...
We are the Bride of Christ! How do we live in a world full of fear, detours, and immorality? You put on your glorious Bridal clothing. This fresh and feminine "take" on the...
Beloved Bride is, perhaps, the most touching of all the messages,and requires more time as it is a detailed comparison of an ancient Hebrew wedding to Christ's marriage to us.I...
We hear a great deal about the last days and when Jesus is coming again. Many are asking when. We should be more concerned with what we are doing while we wait. Rev. 19:...
This is a study of what true biblical worship is to look like in our lives. It is a lifestyle, not a service on Sunday! We will use Isaiah 6 as a guide. This is an anointed...