Do you feel like the Bride of Christ? You can! Watch the movie, "Princess Bride" before you come, and arrive ready to meet Buttercup! Together we'll explore your true position in Christ.
This is a fun, specialty program where Jennifer hits the stage in costume, dressed as Princess Buttercup from the popular movie “Princess Bride.”
Biblically sound in her approach, and fun in her delivery, your women will love preparing for and attending this session.
Quoting many of the favorite and funny lines from the movie, Jennifer unearths spiritual treasures from this famous, but secular, PG-rated film. The outcome is the realization that, even through this Hollywood flick, God is evident.
As a believer, we are the bride of Christ.
God loves to treat us like princesses.
Faith leads us from fear to freedom.
Our future is secure.
Ideal length: One hour.
“Jennifer touched my life in a way no one else has.” Comment from Conference Evaluation Form