Step into the fullness of your divine potential with "Unleashing Your Divine Potential," a transformative session designed to guide your audience in achieving lasting change...
In a world where cultural norms are ever-changing and often in direct opposition to God's truth, how do we stand firm and thrive? "Called to Be Different" is a powerful...
Are you ready to find your calling once and for all? Your calling is the sweet spot where your passions, gifts, and skills overlap. As you begin to live out your calling, you'll...
Empower your audience to live an abundant life regardless of external challenges with "Faith Unshaken: Cultivating Spiritual Resilience for Endurance and Victory." This session...
Are you ready to overcome toxic thinking, transform your thought life, and renew your mind? Learn how to get a mindset makeover through Biblical principles, practical tools, and life-changing...
Step into the life God has envisioned for you—a life filled with hope, passion, and unwavering vision. In this powerful session, I will guide your audience on how to passionately...
Where is your mind taking you? Every journey begins with a single thought, and in "Thoughts on Track: Navigating Life with a God-Centered Mindset,” Georgina guides your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/23/2024
God has uniquely equipped each of us with individual abilities, energy, time, and resources. But how are you using them? In "Maximizing Your Gifts," Georgina will guide your...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 09/17/2024
Discover the profound impact of our words and actions in this heartfelt exploration of Christian influence and personal growth. Join us as we delve into a touching family moment that...
In a world filled with conflict and division, how can we, as believers, truly embody the peace of Christ? "As Far as It Depends on You: Living at Peace with Everyone" is...
Unlock the transformative power of your mind with "Transforming Thought Patterns: The Power of Intentional Thinking." This dynamic session guides your audience on a journey...
Posted by Georgina Verzal on 08/27/2024
Step into the life God has uniquely designed for you with "The New You: Becoming Who You Were Meant to Be." This transformative session is a powerful invitation to cast off...