Many have gone on a futile search for the ideal utopia or Shangri-La in some remote place on planet Earth, but there is no such place. There is no place where there is perfect peace...
Have you ever felt completely knocked down, broken, and alone, with no idea how to move forward? I have. In my deepest despair, I found myself struggling with grief, pain, and even...
Momsense — A Woman of Non-sensible Love! Becoming a woman who influences generations with God's nonsensible love. Love, prayer, and truth change a heart!Audrey's...
The Enduring Power of Prayer: A Legacy That Lives On: Our prayers live beyond our life, our voice continues.Have you ever wondered about the impact of your prayers? Do you ever...
Presentation based on book Blessing Generations Through Prayer and the power that prayer has on your bloodline. The Bible tells us to leave an inheritance to our children’s...
There are times in our lives when we become paralyzed to the events going on around us wondering why the Lord hasn't helped us. My dear sister, my question to you is this. Have you...