For some of us, Seeing Ourselves as God Sees Us is a very long and difficult process. As a young girl with a facial scar from a dogbite, it was hard to believe God saw me so differently...
Many women struggle to find their true worth in a world that constantly sends mixed messages about identity and value. In this workshop, we'll explore the difference between society's...
Step into the life God has envisioned for you—a life filled with hope, passion, and unwavering vision. In this powerful session, I will guide your audience on how to passionately...
Remove your limitations and get unstuck. In this empowering and transformative message, you'll discover five proven strategies to overcome self-sabotage, unlock your God-given...
In comparison with the universe and given our brief appearance on this earth, of what consequence are we? How can Almighty God give any thought to us? And yet he does. He saw Gideon...
We often find ourselves in hopeless situations, wondering if God sees us and if He cares about what’s going on. He does.In this session about woebegone wives, widows, and wanton...
In this session Yvonne looks at women and how we see ourselves vs how God sees us. We are rushing around from morning till night making sure everyone else is taken care of. We are...