The lens through which we look changes our perspective. Will we look with eyes of fear or faith? Worry or worship?Faith Over Fear unpacks the faith-filled perspective of Joshua...
Know who you are, whose you are, and your immeasurable value through a transforming and joy-filled message on identity - Jesus Sees Your Story. =========In...
When it comes to reading the Bible, we’ve all felt overwhelmed by where to start, what to read, and how to make the most of our time. In Bible Boot Camp, Donna Amidon shares...
Does your heart long for a fresh glimpse of Christ during the Christmas season? Do you desire for others to hear a clear and compelling gospel presentation? Join Donna Amidon for Jesus...
Jesus said, "My sheep know My voice and they follow Me." What does that look like in the life of a believer? In Still Small Voice: Inviting God's Voice to Guide...