Have you ever found yourself thinking, "Something's wrong because I have nothing to worry about"? So many times in our lives as women we are consumed with worry. From...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 12/24/2016
From letting go of her past to letting go of her children, Brandy wants to share with you how the Lord has grown her through these times. God has so much for our lives and holding...
Posted by Brandy Hopkins on 12/04/2016
Becoming Women of Balance, Boundaries and Boldness. One of the top struggles women have within their lives is maintaining balance within their lives. If we do not have order within...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 11/16/2016
Women of Influence is to further equip and empower women to walk out their callings with God. Based of the story of Deborah in Judges, Melissa discusses how Deborah maintained...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 10/19/2016
Whether you are Type 1 or Type 11, there are 3 basic areas that need to be addressed in order to live a long and heathly life. [Below is an excerpt from Adele's workshop on diabetes...
Posted by Adele Morgan on 10/14/2016
I just wonder...is the person that I am inside, the one everyone else sees also? I mean, the person that I am at home, when I'm alone, when I'm aggravated, angry, or questioning...
Posted by Tracy Lewis on 09/21/2016
We are women who hunger and thirst and most of the time we are running on empty. In John 4 we meet the Samaritan woman who didn't even know she was thirsty. We...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 09/08/2016
There's a battle that can sneak up on us as women, and most of the time we don't know that it exist until someone in ministry or anywhere for that matter seems to be shining a little...
Posted by Laura Sommons on 09/08/2016
We try over and over to improve a relationship and yet nothing ever changes! Are you ready to try something new? The secret to making peace in relationships is given in the two greatest...
"I'm very sorry to have to tell you this, but you are never going to be successful." The business coach's words were discouraging and disappointing. They say...
Deb Potts is an expert at being mad! Holding grudges is just one way of "getting back" at someone who hurt us. We want to give them what they deserve, that's fair -...
Let the stories of past American Women encourage you as you discover their ingenuity, steadfast faith, and remarkable stories of valor. Realize that you can also be a woman of faith...