Using the beloved Christmas song, Joy to the World, Lori creatively and beautifully shares the true meaning and joy of our Blessed Savior's birth. Women will be uplifted...
Unforgiveness causes many problems and no one is immune. Taken from her memoir by the same name, Kelly will lead us to forgiveness—and give us the motivation to want to embrace...
This topic shows the listener how to leave a spiritual legacy. We all want to leave our loved ones scriptural insight on how we overcame our challenges and gave God the glory. This...
Posted by DiAnn Mills on 07/16/2019
Energize your congregation, women of faith, and teens to LOVE OUTLOUD! Love compassionately, humbly, graciously, and much more. How different this world could be if all people loved...
Posted by Sheila Luck on 07/16/2019
We know that God loves us, but we still feel unloved. How can that be? We hear that God loves us, yet our lives do not change, our wounds do not heal, and we continue to feel...
Women love chocolate and romance. Book polls clearly show that the majority of fictional love novels are purchased by women because they promise a forever love. Thus, the question...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 04/30/2019
Do you feel your child is beyond help? Don’t lose hope! Kelly shares how God transformed her from Satan’s Little Princess to a Daughter of the King. ----------From...
Whether you're looking at a new year, springtime, or any new start in life, Kelly discusses the new beginnings in the Bible, history and, with humor, intertwines life stories...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
As the world embraces freedom of choice, Kelly recognizes that God has given each of us this freedom—He calls it free will. She shows the practicality of obeying God’s...
It’s just a kiss, right? Sure why not? Addressing premarital intimacy, Kelly reflects on her first kiss and how this seemingly innocent act opened a door better left shut to...
Posted by Kelly Stigliano on 01/31/2019
God still speaks in the garden. When Kelly’s hands are busy, her mouth is shut. During those quiet times, she chronicled the gems He dropped into her heart. ----------She...
A self-proclaimed sugar addict, Kelly stopped eating sugar cold turkey. It wasn’t easy, but she felt much better after saying goodbye to the sweet stuff. ----------We all...