Laronda's life looked good on the outside, yet, she was battled with thoughts she believed Christian woman shouldn't have. She wondered if something was terribly...
Posted by Laronda Alexander on 08/23/2023
Storms are inevitable, but hope IS knowable. When you learn how to take it with you, it’s unsinkable, and it shows! Knowing who God is, and that you're His, gives consistent...
God created our bodies with an innate ability to heal and regenerate. Ginny connects the dots between nutrition, the Bible, and medical research to reveal four keys to health and wellness...
Using Psalm 27:1, "The Light in Darkness: Find Light and Hope in Christ" encapsulates the passage from sin to life in God, converting darkness into light with faith and love.Using...
Posted by Laurie Nitschke on 08/17/2023
Drawing on 1 Peter 2:9, we recognize our divine calling as God's chosen people, moving from darkness into His wonderful light, embodying a profound transformation and path towards...
Comparing and conforming to our filtered culture leaves us disillusioned & discouraged. This message is for those of us who wake up realizing we’re on an unintentional path,...
Why Fitting in is NOT the Goal and Will Never Be EnoughThe goal is finding where you fit and getting fit for your purpose. Conformity to diet culture and unhealthy, filtered images...
Posted by Lisa Jones on 08/17/2023
Life doesn't have to be perfect, but you can transform your life find perfect joy in faith. In this talk, you will:Jump into the journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation...
Unlock Spiritual Growth Hacks: Embrace Your inner Warrior of Virtue, Conquer Obstacles, Align with Life's Rhythms, and Deepen Your Connection with God.From Barb:Wouldn’t...
You are not alone in the battle! Every modern-day saint, plus every single Bible hero, from Noah to Jesus, needs faith to walk out God’s call on our lives. Join us to explore...
Get ready to go deeper with God as we learn how to embrace honesty, listen deeply, break down barriers and move closer into the heart of the Father. Unplug from self-effort and get...
Having friends is a key ingredient in this whole life recipe. But let's talk about those game-changer friendships – they're like a bonus level of awesome. We're diving...