This training program is a survival kit for individuals determined to succeed despite overwhelming odds, traumatic experiences, and turmoil. Attendees will be challenged to self assess...
The Christmas season does not have to be overwhelming. In this seasonal variation of “Slaughtering the Sacred Cow of Busyness,” Kathy will show you how to hang on to the important...
Do you ever question your place in this world? Have you struggled to measure up to your own expectations and those of loved ones? Do your emotions ever threaten to overwhelm you? You...
Life is filled with ups and downs, peaks and valleys. You relish those moments of "Things are good," stress about the situations that make you anxious, and have a complete...
God is an emotional God - not in the way we define emotional women, but we are created in God’s image. We distort biblical emotions by letting our experiences determine what God...
Motherhood isn’t about perfection. I know. I’m a mom. Motherhood comes with a bombardment of emotions. Some are positive; others aren’t. Most are overwhelming at...
Sometimes your soul needs a break from the busyness of life. Cindi's Hawaiian-themed weekend retreat or one-day conference focuses on Psalm 32:7 in The Message: ("God's my island hideaway,...
Are your people feeling guilty and overwhelmed? Invite Elizabeth to deliver this dynamic presentation on organizing with confidence! She gives people the tools to reclaim control of...
What is God like? Can He be trusted? Isaiah asks this question, "To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare Him to?" Isaiah 40:18. And then Isaiah answers...
Do you feel overwhelmed by the challenges confronting you in this season of your life? Are you able to enjoy what you have presently? Is there satisfaction in your accomplishments...