From before the foundation of the world, God's desire has been to be in a relationship with His children. He shows us through history just how important the family relationship...
Posted by Melissa Kirk on 06/09/2023
Parenting is HARD – especially when we want to raise our kids to know and follow Jesus. I share from my experiences raising six kids (plus foster kids) about discipleship and...
Posted by Becka Asper on 06/08/2023
Embrace your God-given identity as a child of the King. Leave sadness behind, welcome expectant freedom and find joy in the Lord.From Barb: God's inviting you to spread your wings...
Step Up - Identify and change the volume of your internal dialogue.Step Over - Apply strategies that will result in exponential growth as an effective communicator.Identify Imposter...
Posted by Cindy Saab on 06/05/2023
Do you desire more clients or customers? Any speaker, writer, entrepreneur, or business owner knows PLATFORM is vital to expand your reach. Cherrilynn encourages you to think...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 06/04/2023
Our brains are wired for story and each of us has a story to tell. You may think, "I can't write or speak.""There are so many others who've endured...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 06/04/2023
Janet teaches how to keep our passion alive, our confidence in God’s promise solid, and His provision as the guarantee of our security....
Posted by Janet Eckles on 06/02/2023
Do you ever wish you could have a do over? You can! In this message, Deedy will have you laughing and maybe even crying as she shares from God's word how new and long-time believers...
Simply put you are not the sum total of your mistakes. You are an individual with value, character, worth and purpose. What you have done is not who you are. Shame will...
Do you know what your best is? Do you have what it takes to get to that point? The answers will be unveiled in this presentation to give the audience the tools to not only find their...
Hello my name is Kay Hall and I wrote the book Beyond the hidden veil of shame. It's a workbook for women to find their way back into the forgiving arms of Jesus. The...
As Daughter's of the King, we are called "Beloved", but at times the distractions of this world can make us question who we are and where are worth lies.Based on the...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 05/25/2023