Whether you are forced to live on one income due to job loss or a post recession economy. Or, you want to live on one income to be home with your children, Ellie Kay has good news...
Energize your congregation, teens, or women of the church. A Christian-based workshop or keynote, designed to enable participants to discover the possibilities! Based on loving God...
Are your people feeling guilty and overwhelmed? Invite Elizabeth to deliver this dynamic presentation on organizing with confidence! She gives people the tools to reclaim control of...
No matter who we are, we will all at some point in our lives deal with grief and loss. It is a certainty. Often, we search for spiritual shortcuts around our wounds. We demand others...
It’s our job to make God famous, and braggin’ on Him is a great way to do that. Other than shining the light on Him, it has many benefits, including these: 1) We gain...
Every organisation and company has a culture; be it by default or intention! In this key session Tarran highlights how to attract, captivate and amplify your company culture to better...
So, you've earned the promotion, you've gained the role, you're walking in your element - for the short term anyway! Well meaning employers & senior pastors are clever at identifying...