Although you may live an ordinary, everyday life, you are no ordinary, everyday woman. You are God's temple, and you have the supernatural ability to glo - to reflect the very...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 10/29/2015
It's a familiar struggle for all women of faith: striving to live the consistent Christian life amid seasons of fluctuating hormones and stressful life circumstances. From periods...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 10/29/2015
You won't find these beauty secrets in the latest issue of Vogue, and you can't buy them at the cosmetics counter either. Discover the dos and don'ts of Biblical beauty in this practical,...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 10/29/2015
Connie is a prolific and adaptable speaker.She will adjust her topic to your request. She speaks to Men, Women, Children; at Retreats, Seminars, Conferences and Special Events; Her...
This is a presentation that can be short or long. It is about the emotions we encounter and what we can do with them. Biblical insights guide the way to process emotions to the point...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 10/29/2015
Society wants to put individuals in a box. But God created each one of uniquely. By looking at various women in the Bible we can see the many ways that God grants women gifts to do...
Posted by Mina Raulston on 10/29/2015
Stronger is designed to ignite a passion for intimacy with God. Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, silence and solitude, listening and rest are taught in a way that enables women...
This courageous woman is a very complex "Bad" Girl of the Bible. She’s been called all sorts of things and all types of stories have been told about her. Some are true...
Posted by Daneen Pysz on 10/29/2015
What will we do to strengthen the foundation of Marriage and Family. We are living in a season of time that demands refocus, restructure, rekindling of the fire you had when you said,...
Posted by Beverly J. Powell on 10/29/2015
Every one owns a business. It's called the family business. Learn to run your home exactly like a business. Plan ways to cutback and conserve your cash flow. The name of...
Posted by Beverly J. Powell on 10/29/2015
The most requested teaching for a weekend retreat!Becoming a Woman of Character is perfect for a weekend retreat, conference or leadership training.Who are you in the dark?This presentation...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 10/29/2015
Do you sometimes wish you could swallow your words? They have the power to build up or break down, to heal or to hurt relationships. These messages spoken from Poppy's heart enable...