After surviving the loss of their first son, Taylor and her husband were shocked to learn that their youngest baby was not expected to be born alive. The Pitcher Talk tells the story...
Loss is inevitable for both life and leadership. Discover how to lead with strength and authenticity, navigating personal and ministry-related grief while remaining firmly grounded...
Would you like a more impactful walk with God that pumps you up and recharges your battery? Learn the spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, meditation, and more) and get physically...
Posted by Lisa Kinakin on 01/21/2024
Many times we want God to yell at us or send us a flashing neon sign to direct our path and tell us which way to go. However, if we will just get still and sit at His feet, we can...
Posted by Angela Chambers on 12/19/2023
Based on her book “Baseball Family: The 9 Core Qualities of Loving Relationships," Billie shares the personal qualities necessary to foster healthy relationships and help...
We often get stuck wanting to hear God’s plan before we take the next step. We pause life waiting for the answers: is this God’s will, direction, desire? Am I making the...
Posted by Billie Jauss on 12/11/2023
Life and It's CrossroadsIt is suggested that an average adult makes about 35,000 conscious decisions each day, ranging from minor to life-altering decisions. The implications...
The Secrets of a Healthy MarriageAs we know, Christian marriages struggle, too. Lori will use practical and biblical paths to a resilient, loving, and grounded-in-faith marriage,...
Have you ever felt God asking you to do something that was out of your comfort zone? Maybe you thought you knew God’s plan for your life and then all of sudden He is asking you...
"I wish we would've...," "I got the baby, but lost my husband...," "I feel/felt so alone...." Do you ever feel like you want a baby, but getting...
Maybe you've heard the phrase, "They may not be sorry, forgive them anyways." I will share my personal story of how I made the choice to forgive my abuser without...
Posted by Jan Balzer on 09/02/2023
Identify your passion, find your purpose and stand on the promises of God.This weekend retreat is designed to start you on the path to finding your purpose, (or confirming it), identify...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 08/29/2023