Legacy Live a life of impact!. Learn to live a life of impact that influences beyond your lifetime. Session 1 Who am I? Learn about your identity in Christ. Our confidence...
From my own sense of worthlessness being married to an alcoholic and the emotional trauma that it brought, I discovered Jesus and his overwhelming love. I discovered the princess...
Women need to know and respond to God's offer of a life worth living. His invitation extends to everyone. Find out how God can heal your hurts, habits and hang-ups by accepting...
Do you ever feel like the mad hatter, juggling hats to keep up appearances? You are not alone. Many of us struggle with putting too much value in keeping up appearances. But that isn't...
Do you ever feel like you’re living with your plate full, but your cup empty? Ever feel a bit more like a disposal paper plate than treasured fine china? Donna knows the feeling!...