Does the Proverbs 31 woman make you feel inferior? Do you cringe every time you hear a message on Proverbs 31? This invigorating theme will help attendees lose the inferiority complex...
Are you living in a self-created bubble? I was, and it was confining, disappointing and downright claustrophobic. This theme introduces three women who not only burst their bubble...
Take a Journey Through the LORD's Prayer The most powerful prayer that Jesus taught His disciples. This life changing lesson helps us to understand God's POSITION as...
Do you know why there are two testaments or four Gospels? Why do some Bible books read like stories and other don’t? Why are books like Revelation so hard to understand? This...
TRUSTING GOD for His purpose is most challenging when days are DARK! Our ability to trust seems to abandon us when occasions for joy mutate into times awash with terror and pain....
Forgiving is a vital key to wellbeing and especially important in your most intimate relationships. Focusing on Biblical teachings, God's grace, the love languages of apology, we will...
Exploring through scripture the ways God strengthens us, guides us and moves us, to grow in understanding until we realize, it is all about Him. Scripture references applied. Phil...