Peg's humorous yet poignant Church Ladies drama, highlights our unique God-given gifts. By focusing on the strengths of our individual stories and personalities, you'll...
Posted by Peg Arnold on 06/10/2023
From before the foundation of the world, God's desire has been to be in a relationship with His children. He shows us through history just how important the family relationship...
Posted by Melissa Kirk on 06/09/2023
Christian women are called to serve and honor God with their spiritual gifts and equip other women to do the same. In this message, Robin helps older and younger women to:Discover...
Posted by Robin R King on 06/08/2023
Janet uses her own illustration of the tragic loss of her eyesight and the murder of her son to showcase how God’s grace lifts us from the darkest valleys to the mountaintop...
Posted by Janet Eckles on 06/02/2023
Simply put you are not the sum total of your mistakes. You are an individual with value, character, worth and purpose. What you have done is not who you are. Shame will...
Do you know what your best is? Do you have what it takes to get to that point? The answers will be unveiled in this presentation to give the audience the tools to not only find their...
Hello my name is Kay Hall and I wrote the book Beyond the hidden veil of shame. It's a workbook for women to find their way back into the forgiving arms of Jesus. The...
Learn how to begin clearing out the clutter so that you can make room for what is most important in your life. Deb is a professional organizer and the owner of Spaces With Soul. In...
Posted by Deb Mantel on 05/25/2023
Learning to live lives that flow from Jesus and our relationship with Him, that are led by the Spirit and shaped by the Word of God. This involves decluttering our hearts, minds and...
Posted by Deb Mantel on 05/25/2023
Based on her evangelistic, 2023, new-release book, Spiritual Growth: Find the Courage and Clarity to Live Authentic and Free, this program helps women discover how to share a saving...
Laurie brings Sarah, Abraham’s wife, to life through three monologues spotlighting three different times in Sarah’s life. Through Sarah’s example we learn how to...
Posted by Laurie Kiel on 05/16/2023
This two-talk retreat is specifically designed to encourage and refresh leadership teams. In talk one Mindy shares insights from a variety of Scriptures and shares her personal...
Posted by Mindy Ferguson on 05/13/2023