Planting Joy Waiting Joy Harvesting Joy Retreat weekend using the analogy of gardening - This is a POWERFUL JOY-filled retreat - easy for thematic decorations,...
Posted by Morna Gilbert on 10/29/2015
Are you living in a self-created bubble? I was, and it was confining, disappointing and downright claustrophobic. This theme introduces three women who not only burst their bubble...
Posted by Esther Hughes on 10/28/2015
No matter who we are, we will all at some point in our lives deal with grief and loss. It is a certainty. Often, we search for spiritual shortcuts around our wounds. We demand others...
Posted by Marlo Blandford on 10/28/2015
We Christians believe we are saved by God’s grace through faith, yet many of us fall back to living by law when it comes to our daily walk. When we do that, we miss some incredible...
Posted by Lynn Bell Pechuekonis on 10/28/2015
We’re bombarded with messages telling us we have to look a certain way or be a certain size, but what is true beauty? How do we get it?...
Posted by Twila Belk on 10/28/2015
It’s fun to laugh, but life isn’t always funny. How is it possible to laugh when our days are filled with trouble? With this talk you’ll enjoy lots of laughter and...
Posted by Twila Belk on 10/28/2015
Based on James chapter 1 count it a joy when you go through trials......
Posted by Eileen Banks on 10/28/2015
All of the above presentations are power packed with the Word of God along with skits, and science and songs. Many characters are used to do the drama for a fun filled time of growing....
Posted by Eileen Banks on 10/28/2015
Do you feel overwhelmed by the challenges confronting you in this season of your life? Are you able to enjoy what you have presently? Is there satisfaction in your accomplishments...
Posted by Paula Harris on 10/28/2015
All of us as women need to learn how to walk in the freedom of being uniquely who God made us to be. We are defeated right away when we begin to compare ourselves, our spouses, our...
TRUSTING GOD for His purpose is most challenging when days are DARK! Our ability to trust seems to abandon us when occasions for joy mutate into times awash with terror and pain....