Description: Why do we need government? How can we tell when it's getting out of control? Lots of people see the encroachment of the government, but they...
Posted by Cynthia Davis on 09/01/2023
Confused by life? Mixed up? Feeling a bit whipped? During this program, you'll meet God as a Master Chef. The kitchen is your life, the recipe is the journey, and you are His signature...
Posted by Jennifer Sands on 08/25/2023
Comparing and conforming to our filtered culture leaves us disillusioned & discouraged. This message is for those of us who wake up realizing we’re on an unintentional path,...
Peace can be experienced, even now with information overload spiraling out of control, and culture growing louder and scarier! We don't need more information, we need to learn...
Posted by Paula Webb on 08/11/2023
Does your day-to-day life resemble a hamster on a wheel going round and round with no clear direction? In this chaotic world, women are busy and pulled in so many directions! Our lives...
Posted by Robin R King on 08/06/2023
Tired of the inability to control my own body during a panic attack, I surrendered the fight to God. In my admission and repentance, God showed grace and took the panic from me. It...
Posted by Carla Anderson on 08/01/2023
Women struggle every day to find work/life balance. We often find ourselves just trying to survive one day to the next while trying to accomplish five times as much as our mothers...
Posted by Elizabeth Clamon on 06/28/2023
Through humorous sketches, Peg personifies the fruits of the Spirit. Her impactful message explores simple, practical, doable ways to cultivate deep roots to emulate the beauty...
Posted by Peg Arnold on 06/10/2023
What have you been trying to hold onto, this Christmas? Are you convinced it’s up to you to take control and make everything turn out right? With humor, candor, and...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 02/06/2023
Invite Joanna for an uplifting session as she explores the transformative power of the Fruit of the Spirit in our daily lives. Discover how love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,...
You can't eliminate stress, but you can learn to control stress before it controls you. Mary Southerland transforms the promises of the Twenty-third Psalm into easy-to-implement,...
Posted by Mary Southerland on 11/17/2022