What are you doing with the arrows God has placed in your hands? Don’t stop striking the arrows until you are finished. Arrows are meant for battle, and often we give up too...
This is a retreat talk based on of the Book of Ruth and illustrates the Faith and Joy that come through following the Lord, even through the toughest trials of life....
Posted by Suzie Umbel on 03/09/2020
Do not Lose Heart: Overcoming StressIn the past few years have you felt the stress levels in our nation rise? I have! We had a pandemic, political upheaval, and racial unrest causing...
Our world seems to be spiritually upside down. Good is considered evil and evil good. How do we live and make a difference as Christians? This series of lessons, taken from the life...
Posted by Cyndi Grace on 04/23/2019
Explore the different choices and outcomes experienced by an everyday mom compared to a priest. Discover how to make the hard choices to reap the rewards of godly parenting. ======In...
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us this specific command in Matthew 6:33. Obedience to His commands provide inner peace and joy; something we all desire. Since He said it, we need to do...
He made us for greatness but we must hear Him and Obey His call. Hear stories of ordinary common women with great faith who obeyed His call. Take a walk through the history of the...
Posted by Yvonne Conte on 12/17/2018
How do we hear God’s voice? Are our hearts turned towards Him and His word, or is the noise from the world and its seducing power drowning the voice of our Lord? Faith comes...
Posted by Robin Farnsworth on 05/21/2018
Is the storm raging in your life? Have you felt like you're drowning? Do you seem like you just get your head above water and your hit with another wave? Storms came in the life...
Weekend RetreatJonah 1-4Jonah was called by God and ran. His disobedience led him straight to the belly of a fish. As we look at the story of Jonah, you will learn that the fish in...
Acting in obedience to the Lord’s leading is often a difficult path for Christians. Debbie speaks about an episode of extreme obedience, and how it took a path other than what...
Posted by Debbie Ormonde on 09/28/2017
Many will settle their estates before death; leaving property and possessions to love ones. However, compared to eternity, these things are insignificant. This talk will discuss...
Posted by Janice Pender on 08/02/2017