Jesus.... greatest of Servant Leaders, kneeling down to wash the feet of the disciples. Humility. Service. Redemption. Let's look into the redemptive nature of servant leadership. ...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 03/22/2021
When it comes to reading the Bible, we’ve all felt overwhelmed by where to start, what to read, and how to make the most of our time. In Bible Boot Camp, Donna Amidon shares...
Modern attention spans last three second, and we remember less than 5 percent of what we hear. Speakers, writers, teachers, and other communicators need new tools to communicate...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 02/15/2021
In this stand-alone message, Lauren answers the questions everyone has about how to be content, why it matters if we are content, things that keep us back from discovering sufficiency...
In this teaching, Lauren speaks about the importance of developing disciples in a three-step process which is revealed in 1 Thessalonians 2. The message also gives many practical applications...
How can we experience peace and stillness in a spinning out-of-control world? Discover how to seek God's presence and develop a rich devotional life in a time that is cluttered...
Posted by Verna Bowman on 01/28/2021
What do you do when your whole life has been erased and you must start all over?This is Rhonda's most personal topic as it deals with her trauma of enduring a stroke, which left...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 01/20/2021
In a riveting talk about the woman in Scripture who struggled with a health issue, Anna passionately shares powerful insights on what it means to be filled and controlled by God’s...
Posted by Anna Hernandez on 01/15/2021
Do you feel God calling you to great things, yet you wonder how God could possibly use you with the meager gifts you have to offer Him?In this session about mighty women in the Bible,...
Posted by Sharon Wilharm on 01/01/2021
As young girls we all dreamed of being a PRINCESS or better yet, a QUEEN! Even today we watch Hallmark movies and read romance novels, wishing we could have the happy ever after. In...
Posted by Sharon Wilharm on 12/01/2020
A Reason to Rise helps individuals to rediscover their callings. The teaching uncovers the lies that appear so convincing that chronic discouragement and paralysis are inevitable consequences....
Do you believe it really is possible to forgive and forget? Mary Southerland learned the power of forgiveness as she faced and dealt with painful issues while battling clinical depression....
Posted by Mary Southerland on 10/02/2020