God has a divine purpose for your life in every season. As we study the lives of Esther and Hagar we will discover how to value what we are currently called to, see the purpose...
Right now, with your life as is, based on 2 Peter 1:3, you really do have everything you need to handle your life! We will discover how we can begin functioning in this truth and how...
Are you stuck?Are you wandering from one thing to another?Are you wondering what you were put on here on earth for?Welcome to Quit Wandering - 15 Strategies to Find and Fulfill Your...
Posted by Hannah Thuku Kolehmainen on 06/09/2022
Do you desire to live free of jealousy and insecurity? Free to celebrate with others when they succeed where you've failed, when others have what you long for, when...
As beloved daughters of The King we get to rest secure. We get to function from a place of belovedness. We get to realize we are already so very full and satisfied. Filled up with...
We CAN live new, we CAN be FRESH and Restoration is only a prayer away. Join Deedy as she shares with your group what God’s word shows us on being Renewed, Refreshed...
Posted by Deedy Tripp on 05/26/2022
Identified: What are the women in your church identifying with? God calls us out, to be separate from the world, but often holiness seems to be missing. When Christians seek their...
Jesus told stories for us to live by. We can do the same, leaving stories for our loved ones to hear our faith stories, encourage them with hope, or even by writing a letter to your...
You cannot start to live boldly if you are unwilling to get out of your current comfort zone. This means you cannot live boldly without shifting.IN ORDER TO LIVE BOLDLY AND ON PURPOSE,...
Posted by Geneviéve Jones-Wright on 05/16/2022
As daughters of God, we are in a relationship with Jesus, He promises to give us a victor's crown of beauty instead of ashes. Our journeys are as unique as we are, but we will...
Posted by Kathy Schwanke on 04/11/2022
Key Scripture: I Peter 3:3,4What is it that changes the way our outside looks? In surrendering ourselves to God, changes begin with our heart....
Posted by Debbie Roth on 04/08/2022
In this very encouraging and timely message, Lori shares five aspects of hope found in the Bible. Women will walk away with a fresh awareness of God's involvement in...
Posted by Lori Militello on 03/18/2022