Day after day, a cast iron skilled takes on rigorous flames. These skillets are resilient and made to endure the heat. Do you wonder if you have what it takes to withstand the heat...
Posted by Lavinia Marshall on 03/30/2018
Vision Vision, is a compass for the journey of life. Leaders, teams, organizations without vision are without direction. If you are stagnant and want to grow, understanding...
Posted by Lavinia Marshall on 03/30/2018
What do you get when you mix the Wonder of God's Word with some possible costumes of a very popular comic book character together for a weekend? A Blast!!! As well as some...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 03/21/2018
Beloved Bride is, perhaps, the most touching of all the messages,and requires more time as it is a detailed comparison of an ancient Hebrew wedding to Christ's marriage to us.I...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 03/21/2018
Open a dialogue about the challenges, disappointments, advantages and opportunities of being a sibling in a family affected by disability. Discussion topics include sibling conflict,...
Posted by Lisa Jamieson on 03/15/2018
What do you think of yourself, about your appearance, about your attitude, about your social standing, financial situation, your ability to form healthy relationships?Self-image is...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 02/21/2018
Have you ever worked on a large jigsaw puzzle without being able to see a picture of the completed picture? It's incredibly frustrating! So often, even people who have been in...
Posted by Kristi Stephens on 02/08/2018
Psalm 1 gives a clear description of a person who delights in the law of the Lord and becomes like a flourishing tree planted by water, yielding fruit in season. Spending personal...
Posted by Kristi Stephens on 02/08/2018
God said from the beginning that the devil had a goal, which was to destroy the children of God one way or another. As a non-believer, vicious attacks and dreams kept me terrified....
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 02/05/2018
Is the storm raging in your life? Have you felt like you're drowning? Do you seem like you just get your head above water and your hit with another wave? Storms came in the life...
Acts 2:36-47Expectations. They define how we look at other people. They define how we see ourselves. Learn what God expects of His children. When we truly understand what God’s...
Posted by Debbie Ormonde on 09/28/2017
SeminarThis is an 8 session seminar; however, Debbie is willing to work with you to make the material fit your program needs.Based on the book Lead Like Jesus by Ken Blanchard,...
Posted by Debbie Ormonde on 09/28/2017