Our stories of God's redeeming grace are priceless! Let's further discover how God is preparing us for His special works. We begin our weekend journey focusing on God's...
Based on Romans 12:18, this presentation introduces the personality differences empowering women to embrace our differences. Michelle presents this in both a 45 minute to an...
There is only one way to serve God and that is as a team for best results. Consider the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit all working together in our creation, redemption and...
Working successfully…and peacefully… with people of differing backgrounds and temperament is critical to achieving any worthwhile goal in life. Success hinges on one’s...
This weekend is based on Mark 12:28-31 and will show the participant the “how to’s” of doing the title of this message. Two sessions will break down the heart, the...
Why do people strive? Why do some flourish & others burnout? Why do some have vibrant relationships & others seem to go round the mountain? Wisdom confirms the more we know WHO we...