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Posted by: Michelle Nietert on 04/11/2017

Getting Along with Almost Anybody

Based on Romans 12:18, this presentation introduces the personality differences empowering women to embrace our differences.  Michelle presents this in both a 45 minute to an our presentation and also as a full four session retreat. 

Is there someone in your life that you just don’t understand?  Or maybe you feel they don’t have a clue where you’re coming from?  Whether in our personal or professional lives, we are often surrounded with people whose personalities seem to clash with our own.  Our first thought is to either come out swinging or run as fast as we can.  Understanding differences in personalities can provide insight and practical ways to talk and live with others.  As a Certified Personality Trainer, Michelle shares on such topics such as How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself, Celebrating Personality Strengths and Overcoming Weaknesses, Dealing with Differences Under Stress, and Talking So People Will Listen.

Visit http://www.counselorthoughts.com/women.html for additional topics and information.

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