Our brains are wired for story and each of us has a story to tell. You may think, "I can't write or speak.""There are so many others who've endured...
Posted by Cherrilynn Bisbano on 06/04/2023
You are uniquely designed and called to lead for a specific purpose. Learning your purposeful story will help you see God’s faithfulness in you. You will discover how to focus...
Posted by Kendra Q. Dodd on 03/20/2023
Book Peggy Ployhar to speak and/or perform at your next women's event/retreat. Watch this video to see moreCheck out her about pageBioMeet Peggy Ployhar, a remarkable...
Posted by Peggy Ployhar on 10/20/2022
Key Scripture: I Peter 3:3,4What is it that changes the way our outside looks? In surrendering ourselves to God, changes begin with our heart....
Posted by Debbie Roth on 04/08/2022
I am disabled. I haven't been able to walk for three+ years. I'm not sure if I will ever walk again, but I will always walk with Him. All of us are broken from something, whether...
Posted by Darci Steiner on 10/30/2021
Maribeth has lost a 14-year-old to cancer, and a 21-year-old in an accident. After struggling with depression and alcoholism for a number of years, Maribeth has grasped the loving...
Posted by Maribeth Ditmars on 10/24/2021
Karen will share how our lives can and should look if we seek first the Kingdom of God. How different our priorities would be if we kept the ‘Kingdom is at hand’...
You will be amazed by Kim's story and personal testimony of perseverance. Kim encourages her audience to hold fast to God's promises when their faith is being tested. She is...
Vulnerability is freedom. In a world where covering our flaws is popular; DARE TO BE SEEN. Your biggest impact on the world around you comes when you let others see what Christ...
Posted by Gina Sullivan on 04/19/2021
Comfort, protection, peace, rest, love. God can carry you through all the difficult trials of life. Rest in his arms and allow him to help you sing in the rain and splash in the puddles....
Posted by Debbie Roth on 01/18/2021
God is calling us to rise above every circumstance that stands against His highest calling on our lives. Learn to bravely face your fears and arise whenever struck down by life. From...
As women we were made to RADIATE and SHINE, and the best way to do that is with the love of God as we look and love more like Jesus on our journey. Using Psalm 34:5, Lisa will...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 10/18/2019