If you're ready to experience exponential joy, delight and growth in your life, work and relationships, understanding how to tap into God's creative mind is paramount, because...
Forgiveness. One of the most misunderstood, mistaught and untaught - yet also one of THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT issues for our eternal salvation! There's MORE to this...
Posted by Pam Caylor on 06/01/2021
Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7Many women feel invisible – to themselves, to others and even to God. This is a very...
Posted by Laura Acuña on 05/02/2020
The Bible is full of examples of God's provision for His people when He has given them a vision. From the Old Testament (Abraham in Genesis 15:1) to the New Testament (Paul in...
Posted by Geneviéve Jones-Wright on 01/04/2020
Session 1 - The Balm of Gilead, The Word of God , based on Jeremiah 8, 18 Session 2: From Fear to Faith, based on the book of HabakkukSession 3: The Power and Purpose of Pain,...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 04/04/2019
Many of us feel and angst within us.....that " something's missing" feeling. This study of Exodus and Genesis will help you compare yourselves to the "...
Beloved Bride is, perhaps, the most touching of all the messages,and requires more time as it is a detailed comparison of an ancient Hebrew wedding to Christ's marriage to us.I...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 03/21/2018
What does it mean to hide? The World Book definition for hide is to conceal, cover up, to keep a secret. Many women have been hurt in childhood, but have no idea how they are...
What happens when you get discouraged? Who wipes away your tears? Who understands your emotions good or bad?Beginning with the story of Eve, and ending with the promises of Revelation...
Posted by Linda Penick on 05/02/2017
Are you feeling thirsty or in need of refreshment? Join us for a transformative session with Joanna as she invites you to step into the River of Living Waters.Drawing from Scripture,...
Based on Genesis 32, this is a ringside glimpse into the greatest wrestling match of all time: Jacob vs Jehovah. Shelly carefully shares her life story of tragic loss, abandonment,...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015
"Eve's impact and other things we may not have considered.Based on Genesis 2"...
Posted by Stephanie Hover on 10/28/2015