After surviving the loss of their first son, Taylor and her husband were shocked to learn that their youngest baby was not expected to be born alive. The Pitcher Talk tells the story...
In this riveting talk Coach Kate shares tales of fear and how God comes through in big and unexpected ways providing powerful lessons along the process. Learn what the bible...
Posted by Kate Decker on 02/08/2024
What can we, as 21st Century believers, learn from Josiah, the 16th King of Judah? A lot actually! In "With All Your Soul," based on 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles...
Conformity to the world isn’t your calling in life. Lisa helps you accept your God-given identity and self-worth so you can overcome your fear of not fitting in, embrace your...
It’s easy to feel insignificant when you don’t have a spotlight ministry role or flashy career. Discontentment sets in as you question your purpose. Lisa affirms your identity...
Christian women often mistake true, biological problems for our own moral failings. The struggle to rise above the hormonal rollercoaster and mental health challenges to exhibit...
Posted by Taylor Arthur on 02/06/2024
A great talk for grownups and teens alike, "We Go Together" focuses on building quality friendships while rooting ourselves first in the never-ending love of our best friend,...
Posted by Taylor Arthur on 02/06/2024
This powerful, transforming conference reminds us that we are God's Beloved princesses, and that we are indeed “precious in His sight," as we find our worth in God alone. Discover...
Posted by Tracy Berta on 02/05/2024
Do you struggle with prayer, not quite sure if you are “doing it right?” Learn why it is so important, like Mary of Bethany, to sit at the feet of Jesus. Experience the...
Posted by Tracy Berta on 02/05/2024
We are invited into a deeper relationship with Jesus as we experience the joy of abiding in Him. Through many scripture passages, with a concentration on Colossians 2:6 and Ephesians...
Posted by Tracy Berta on 02/05/2024
Have you ever wondered what God wants to do in your life, even worrying that time is slipping away without purpose? So often we fall into the BUSYNESS trap, chasing accomplishments...
This topic includes 4 steps about experiencing forgiveness and what is required. The four points are: 1) God's Forgiveness, 2) Forgiveness from others, 3) Giving Forgiveness to...
Posted by Heather Schimmelpfennig on 02/05/2024