FEARLESS – Living with Greater Passion, Purpose & Power Session 1: Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear Using humor and personal stories, Danna explores why women...
Posted by Danna Demetre on 11/20/2018
In this atypical look at Joy during the Christmas season - or any other time of the year - we explore John 17 as Jesus prayed for future Believers. This message will reveal the...
Posted by Tammy Sinclair on 11/07/2018
Based on Philippians 4:1-9, this message addresses the need for unity and encourages Believers to focus on things that are beneficial and move us towards our purpose. Be encouraged...
Posted by Tammy Sinclair on 11/07/2018
My former friends procrastination, denial, and avoidance, and I learned a lesson from a mattress today..Today was one of “those” days. I awoke exhausted as if I had not...
Posted by Connie Ruth Christiansen on 10/28/2018
With storytelling style, Tina follows the arc of an epic adventure to describe how we can embrace our divine purpose and overcome barriers to living with victory. Available for online...
With personal transparency, Biblical insights, and a touch of clinical expertise, Tina encourages women who struggle with self-esteem and significance issues. Look forward to a dynamic...
From the foundations of the world, God saw you! He has called and anointed you for a specific purpose.In this teaching series, Melissa discusses the importance of embracing our...
Posted by Melissa Pearce on 09/12/2018
The first step is helping women life the life God intends them to live is to help them break free from regrets that hold them back. Stoppe says, It's time to get victory over that...
The first abuser in my life was parental. The consequence was a complete lack of self-worth. Thereafter, as I grew into adulthood, I allowed others to continue the abuse because it...
When my husband took his last breath, it felt as though my hope, love, and joy, also dissipated into thin air like a whiff of smoke. Although I was alive and breathing, time seemed...
Posted by Muriel Gladney on 08/24/2018
This workshop will equip those interested in applying drama to their worship services and other churchevents. Discussion will include the spiritual benefits of drama to both the congregation...
Elevate Your Leadership with Cheryl’s Leadership Unwrapped SeriesDiscover the true essence of leadership through the Leadership Commandment: “And in the pursuit of leading...
Posted by Cheryl Hurley on 08/13/2018