Recounting her personal journey from the clutches of alcohol and drug addiction to a life filled with hope, Sue shares a powerful story. Explore how the unwavering prayers of a mother...
Posted by Sue L. Hamilton on 08/11/2023
Recognize the pivotal role of employee attitudes in shaping the success of a company or organization. Explore the profound impact attitudes have on employees, customers, and team dynamics....
Life doesn't have to be perfect, but you can transform your life find perfect joy in faith. In this talk, you will:Jump into the journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation...
Unlock Spiritual Growth Hacks: Embrace Your inner Warrior of Virtue, Conquer Obstacles, Align with Life's Rhythms, and Deepen Your Connection with God.From Barb:Wouldn’t...
You are not alone in the battle! Every modern-day saint, plus every single Bible hero, from Noah to Jesus, needs faith to walk out God’s call on our lives. Join us to explore...
Are your days feeling routine, ordinary, or overlooked? Hold on, because God's got an incredible blueprint for you. Dive into understanding how God envisions you, and uncover the...
Posted by Barb Lownsbury on 08/10/2023
Everyone loves a hero and every heart longs to be one. During this program you’ll discover the core values heroes have in common and how to tap into God’s heroic story...
God sees you like a painter envisions the final picture before lifting a brush, or like a composer hears the orchestra’s rendition before penning a single note. Come breakthrough...
A ship in harbor is safe—but that is not what ships are built for. You are called to step into the deep with the Father, trusting Him to lead your life and work. Increase your...
Based on Nancy's award-winning book, The Grace Impact, be inspired to live with bold faith through God's sweet grace. Discover the mystery of this gift and embrace being a...
Posted by Nancy Kay Grace on 08/10/2023
Having friends is a key ingredient in this whole life recipe. But let's talk about those game-changer friendships – they're like a bonus level of awesome. We're diving...
God's got a plan for you, one that's all about abundant joy. But watch out for comparison – it's a real joy-killer. Get ready to be yourself, the way God made you,...