With dynamic, engaging style, Tina combines personal relevance and clinical insights to guide audiences to live with freedom and peace. She offers practical tips to cope with stress...
With personal transparency, Biblical insights, and a touch of clinical expertise, Tina encourages women who struggle with self-esteem and significance issues. Look forward to a dynamic...
With over 30 years experience as pastors wife, author of 6 books, and speaker to women of all ages, Rhonda will develop a message of HOPE for your event that is grounded in SOUND DOCTRINE....
Rhonda is a favorite speaker for MOPs, Mom2Mom and other motherhood groups throughout the nation. Rhonda's lighthearted, passionate look at the important calling of motherhood...
Rhonda Stoppe is a favorite homeschool convention speaker who is repeatedly asked back to conventions where she has spoken. Messages for Homeschool Conventions and events include:-Math,...
The first step is helping women life the life God intends them to live is to help them break free from regrets that hold them back. Stoppe says, It's time to get victory over that...
All parents fear what could happen to their daughters in a #MeToo world. We know sexual predators are out there, and we don't really know where. We would love to have the tools...
Posted by Jill Richardson on 08/23/2018
Some of the deepest hurt I have ever felt as a Christian has come from church members and church leaders. Through this process of hurting and healing, God, in His indescribable love...
Posted by Renetta Nail on 08/17/2018
This topic tells the importance and power of names ... positive or negative. What names or labels do we give ourselves or others and what has been given to us. Finding freedom and...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 08/14/2018
Piety has long been a word that had a negative connotation. Attendees will learn the true meaning of piety and how to give it all to God in their life. This talk is a part of the Spiritual...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 08/14/2018
One of the hardest things to do as a Christian at times is to forgive. With the belief that it comes at a high cost, the scriptures tell us differently. Attendees will learn the true...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 08/14/2018
You're excited about writing a book, script, or article, or perhaps you're putting together a new talk. Suddenly you realize you have few ideas or an abundance of them. Mind-Mapping...
Posted by Kathy Bruins on 08/14/2018