Jesus came to offer “Living Water” to thirsty souls. In a thorough study of the Samaritan Woman in John 4, discover the only source that will bring true satisfaction to...
Posted by Carol Sallee on 03/20/2020
BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES FOR SUCCESS—These topics may be added to conference themes as workshops or used as teachings at other services or functions.“Solving the Identity Crisis:” Knowing...
Posted by Cynthia Noble on 03/13/2020
God uses our role as mothers to actually grow our relationship more intimately with Him. All of the challenges and joys of parenting are valuable raw materials in God’s hands....
Posted by Paula Webb on 03/11/2020
Reflecting Him is the game changer! He's the Creator of us; we're not able to 'create the best version of ourselves'! I help women learn to recognize God meeting them...
Posted by Paula Webb on 03/11/2020
Christmas gatherings for women are tricky! Invite Paula to help...Gather your group to laugh about the faux paus of the dreaded ‘re-gift’ and celebrate learning what God...
Posted by Paula Webb on 03/11/2020
Talk 1: The Appetizer: Invitation to TastePsalm 34:8 – “O, taste and see that the Lord is good…” Using story – mine and yours – to taste the goodness...
HOLIDAY HOSPITALITY, ALL FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! What better time than the holidays to use our homes to show off the heart of God? People expect invitations at Christmas, Easter,...
If you are wondering if you are a good mentor, a good question to ask ourselves is: “Do I love Jesus more today than last year or last month?” A good mentor is more in...
GOD’S HOSPITALITY — Hosting Like the Ultimate Host Hospitality is God’s idea – not Martha’s – and He loves it when we invite others to our...
This is a crowd favorite! It's fun, intriguing, and insightful. It's guaranteed to help everyone understand communications at a new level. Candid conversations require skills...
Posted by Mary K Dunn on 02/18/2020
Laughter lightens the load, feels good to the soul and opens our hearts to do what? Love Our Lord! Life is tough and sometimes we need a "mental break" to get...
Posted by Jill Evans on 02/03/2020
As a retired Bible College Professor and a former Women's Minister I have many presentations and message ideas that can be customized to your theme or your choice of Bible verse(s)....
Posted by Karen Duffy on 01/16/2020