Retreat Series: Pouring Out: Mentoring as a Way of Life
If you are wondering if you are a good mentor, a good question to ask ourselves is: “Do I love Jesus more today than last year or last month?” A good mentor is more in love with Jesus today than before. Do you have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ? That’s it. That’s the main thing. I didn’t say a perfect relationship or sinless existence. Perfection and sinless-ness are for later on when none of us will need to mentor or be mentored. It has to do with progress and moving forward.
Talk 1: What is Mentoring and Why Should We Do It? (II Corinthians 1:3,4 – We come alongside another after God’s come alongside us)
Talk 2: What Makes a Good Mentor? (To be filled up to all the fullness of God, as Paul wrote in Ephesians 3:19)
Talk 3: What Is a Mentor’s Role? (To usher another into the truth and presence of God)
Talk 4: How To Get Started in a Mentoring Relationship? (How long should we meet and where and what should we talk about?)
All retreat series include talk outlines, small group discussion questions, bible references, and a quiet time meditation guide.