In this conference Ginger addresses what it looks like to live life in light of the Gospel. Because through His divine power, "He has given us everything we need for...
Posted by Ginger Millermon on 08/25/2017
Be still. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? How is it possible to be still when our lives are filled with chaos, troubles, trials, burdens, fears, worries,...
Posted by Twila Belk on 08/24/2017
Lisa's 16-year career at The Seeing Eye, Inc. is the basis for this topic. She'll weave stories of raising Seeing Eye puppies and blind people using Seeing Eye dogs into...
Posted by Lisa Radcliff on 08/18/2017
Picture a retreat that teaches how Jesus honored and loved women in very specific ways--and shows how He still loves us so much!Retreat or single address topicsHow Jesus Understands...
Posted by Janet McHenry on 08/08/2017
Living out the Christian Life requires us to rely not on ourselves, but upon the finished work of Jesus Christ, and the help of the Holy Spirit. Using Scripture from the book...
Posted by Vicki Taylor on 08/01/2017
Do you have a specific topic or biblical passage you want featured? I will taylor a talk or retreat to fit your group's specific needs with wisdom and humor!...
Posted by Sharon Lawlor on 07/19/2017
The Woman at The Well. Life is not a Photo, but a video - it is your life journey. It is the whole story. How did the meeting with Jesus change the woman at the well...
Posted by Kimberly Hooper on 04/27/2017
"Don’t run from tests and hardships, brothers and sisters. As difficult as they are, you will ultimately find joy in them; if you embrace them, your faith will blossom under...
Invite Joanna to Speak at Your Church: "Called by Name: A Look at the Value of Life"Are you seeking a message that brings comfort and clarity to the value of life? Join us...
Difficulties and trials often bombard our lives and threaten to shake our faith in God. We can stand firm on the Rock of our salvation no matter what comes our way. In this first session,...
Posted by Kathy Howard on 04/21/2017
Lynn and her husband David give couples and congregations tools for moving beyond the pain of the past. They share how they overcame David's addiction to pornography, a lifetime...
Posted by Lynn Marie Cherry on 04/20/2017
How do we deal with feelings of anger and a desire for revenge? Let's face it, we've all experienced moments of wanting to get even with someone. Drawing on themes...