This message, based on Mark 22:1-14, will encourage you to find joy in your circumstances and teach you to take advantage of every opportunity God places in your path. Walk away prepared,...
"Are you feeling much less than enthusiastic? Is your glass mostly empty? Do you keep hearing a voice saying, ""Fuel level is low"", even when you are not in your car? Well, it might...
Girls from 1st-5th grade are invited to a time of talks about inner beauty and being God's princess. There will be a special tea time, craft, and spa moments where they have opportunity...
This is a presentation that can be short or long. It is about the emotions we encounter and what we can do with them. Biblical insights guide the way to process emotions to the point...
This presentation has the theme of a spa where women will enjoy little spa features items like lotions, nail polish and such that the event host will acquire. The topics of the day...
Single but not Alone discusses the unique journey of a single parent while reinforcing that God is an ever present guide and strength in the life of a single parent, regardless of...
Our Extra Moms is a wonderful adventure to see the blessing of the many extra moms God gives us throughout our lives to pour into us her own special mom-ness. By looking at specific...
Society wants to put individuals in a box. But God created each one of uniquely. By looking at various women in the Bible we can see the many ways that God grants women gifts to do...
Dating Violence discusses how abusers seek out vulnuerable victims, then cleverly deceive them gradually increasing the control and abuse until it becomes dangerous or deadly. It also...
CJ is an author, curriculum writer, and regular contributor to the Christian Post. She loves to develop messages for specific groups. Call her to discuss building a topic around your...
"I AM Says, ""You Are..."" - Who are you? What defines you? Can a cross look ruin your day? Does a hurtful word send you into a tail spin? Do you try to fix...
Stronger is designed to ignite a passion for intimacy with God. Spiritual disciplines such as prayer, silence and solitude, listening and rest are taught in a way that enables women...