What if God’s call to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength is not simply a demand from a dogmatic deity–but an appropriate response to a God who loves the unloveable,...
Posted by Cheri Strange on 01/07/2016
Is your life out of balance? Do you resolve every January to get it together but by June feel more stressed-out than ever? Go from stressed to blessed by learning how to balance your...
Posted by Laurie Cole on 01/05/2016
God created us in His image. This is huge. If we can begin to fathom how much He loves and admires what we look like and who He created us to be, we will be able to move...
Posted by Sharon Hurkens on 01/05/2016
God intended us to meditate on His Word and live it out. I can help anyone do that within a few sessions together. God's Word changes us on the inside and equips us...
Posted by Sharon Hurkens on 01/05/2016
Everyone has a history. Some of us have struggled to overcome our past and move on to what God has for us. I believe that as in John 10:10 Jesus says that He has come to...
Posted by Sharon Hurkens on 01/05/2016
Sharon's personal testamony of how the broken pieces of your life can become a masterpiece when you give them to God. This powerful presentation, filled with colorful illustrations...
Posted by Sharon Lawlor on 01/05/2016
Do you want to feel closer to God but struggle with finding the time? Life is like an over-stuffed suitcase packed to the brim with constant activity. But there are answers to our...
Do You Ever:• Feel your children are too old to be yours?• Puzzle over why your friends are aging prematurely?• Secretly brood about your life, wondering if your best years are...
My sister, have your ever wondered whether something from your past is hindering you from accomplishing great things for God? From the Scriptures, do you know the four crucial things...
Ever notice that some people are different from you? As a certified personality trainer, Karen will help your group learn to get along with difficult people and relate to them too. Great...
Posted by Karen Porter on 01/01/2016
Using funny titles from famous country songs, Karen will help you discover the secrets of peace, love, and joy. ...
Karen has numerous presentations available for your group and will also consider tailoring a new presentation to your theme. In addition to those mentioned, consider these:Sweet...