Originally presented during a Mother/Daughter retreat, this topic is for all of us. 3 sessions that take you on a journey where we bask in God's majesty and power and His...
Posted by Julie Buchtenkirch on 07/22/2018
One thing we can count on is change! But how do we adapt, and even embrace, change as it comes? One of the most requested topics for a women's conference or retreat.In this...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 06/28/2018
This is a bible study written to fulfill a promise made to God from the depths of hopelessness and despair. I promised God that if He would heal me, I would “sing His praises...
Posted by Keli Hillier on 06/26/2018
Free to be me!! This weekend retreat explores how to remove the masks we wear and live authentic lives with God and others. We'll identify our patterns of hiding and...
Posted by Julie Buchtenkirch on 04/19/2018
Life is rough and the storms we encounter test our faith. How do you find HOPE and stay afloat? What makes HOPE in Christ different from any other kind of hope? How...
God's plan for our life rarely makes sense when we first set out on our journey with Him. There are many un-foreseen twists, detours and turns that make us feel like we need to...
Posted by Shana Strange on 04/16/2018
Bobbie is always happy to create a message specifically for you and your event. ...
Posted by Bobbie Schaeperkoetter on 04/07/2018
What do you get when you mix the Wonder of God's Word with some possible costumes of a very popular comic book character together for a weekend? A Blast!!! As well as some...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 03/21/2018
Beloved Bride is, perhaps, the most touching of all the messages,and requires more time as it is a detailed comparison of an ancient Hebrew wedding to Christ's marriage to us.I...
Posted by Rhonda De la Moriniere on 03/21/2018
Living Real in Christ is true freedom.In this presentation, we'll take an in-depth look at what it's like to live life REAL. No pretense, no mask....just an honest and...
What do you think of yourself, about your appearance, about your attitude, about your social standing, financial situation, your ability to form healthy relationships?Self-image is...
Posted by Sherry Poundstone on 02/21/2018
Each session focuses on the story of a different patriarchal figure: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We dig into their individual journeys with God and at the same time think through our...
Posted by Kristi Stephens on 02/08/2018