Remodeling 101 -–Building a Heart Like HisTalk 1: Essentials of RemodelingEphesians 3:14-21 – Strong foundations, wise construction, God’s blueprintsTalk 2: Building...
Posted by Sue Donaldson on 07/18/2017
Are you exhausted from trying to find your own solutions to life’s problems, depending on yourself alone? Do you struggle to control...
When does the cost of perfectionism become too high? When it gets in the way of our relationship with God and with those around us. Satan revels in our self-imposed pressure to be...
Women have carried and dragged the chains of the SuperGal Syndrome for far too long. We’ve strived to achieve, to find approval, struggled...
Are we living according to God’s standard, or the world’s? And how do we know the difference? ...
Do you constantly compare yourself with other moms, Christians, or friends? Are you worried you’ll never measure up, or desperate to prove you do? Are you chained to envy, or...
Posted by Shannon Popkin on 04/05/2017
"God can't love me, and He certainly wouldn't USE me." If you've ever thought this because of your past sinful decisions (lying, stealing, gossipping, pride,...
Posted by Press On Ministries on 08/24/2016
"I'm sorry!" - Two of the most powerful words we could ever speak to each other; yet, for many, uttering these simple two little words is virtually impossible. Why is...
This retreat - based on Morna's published 10 week Bible study "Rebuilding the Ancient Ruins...Learning the Skill of Tearing down Strongholds" - tackles how to recognize...
Posted by Morna Gilbert on 08/16/2016
Grace and mercy go hand in hand, particularly when we are faced with the shortcomings of others. In this lesson, Jennifer discusses how quickly we can become judgmental...
Posted by Jennifer Cadamore on 03/02/2016
What are the weeds in our souls, our lives that need to go in look order for new growth to happen? And how to keep them from coming back. Gwendolyn Pew, Pastor www.womenspeakers ...
This retreat is designed to point women to the love of God in their everyday lives. This is accomplished as they feed their personal need to know Him and His Word well in order to...
Posted by Beth Bingaman on 10/28/2015