A pencil in the hands of a renaissance master like da Vinci can produce what most of us cannot. Imagine what Our Master God can create with you if you place yourself in His loving...
We all have grand expectations for Christmas and make the greatest preparations but too many times our excitement turns into exhaustion. In this Christmas message, using the example...
The BOOK PROPOSAL STUDIO is for writers in the process of preparing a book-length manuscript to present to agents or editors. Participants will work side by side with Kathy to create...
Why limit that wonderful holiday feeling to a few weeks a year? This holiday message focuses on intentionally living in a state of preparation so you are positioned...
Women must learn who they are. God knows. But, Satan also knows. The spiritual attack on Eve was not a mistake. Nor did it have anything to do with Eve being weaker than the...
A soldier does not go to battle without proper training, preparation, equipment, and resources. Preparation begins with intimacy, for you have to have a intimate relationship with...