Deconstruction is synonymous with the discipleship process known as spiritual formation. Christians mature in faith through disciplines including prayer, personal study, and formal...
The caregiver’s life is intense and some people are more naturally “wired” for it than others. Still, no matter who you are and what circumstances you face, God is...
“Equipping the Saints for Evangelism”—Information provided on the most effective ways to answer the “hard” questions asked by non-Christians, atheists...
Discover how to respond intentionally every time your trigger is tripped. We’ll explore the science behind your reactions, and the strategies Christ equipped and empowered us...
Fortifying Your Boundaries . . .In biblical times, a broken down wall meant the city had lost its fortification. Nehemiah’s first act in restoring Jerusalem was to rebuild...
Learn to recognize how God uses each season to stretch, strengthen, encourage, and teach us, equipping us to handle struggles with grace, resulting in eternal reward.---Based on Ecclesiastes...
Join the fight for radiance. In Scripture we learn that we are to be joyful always (1 Thess. 5:16). Why then does Paul ask, “What has happened to all of your joy?”...
So, you've earned the promotion, you've gained the role, you're walking in your element - for the short term anyway! Well meaning employers & senior pastors are clever at identifying...