sn't it wonderful that God has made us all so unique? Through this "Up A Tree?" communication and personality exercise, the audience will learn which "tree...
Have you ever been that person who is engaged in something and then "Squirrel!" you are suddenly looking at the shiny thing that just gleamed or you are so busy doing what...
Join in on this amazing seminar of how our Lord can take what is broken and restore to newness of life through the power of Jesus. Study several biblical characters and see the regeneration...
When yeast works in dough, the byproduct is CO2 that bubbles into the dough. In our spiritual lives, we sometimes grow a little too full of ourselves after the Lord works in our lives....
Joanna’s recent talk on "Hearing the Call: Distinguishing God's Voice" was an enlightening experience that beautifully blended science and Scripture. Using the...
SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS (using MUSIC, and COSTUMED DRAMATIC STORYTELLING ) for Single Session Special Events: (these presentations can be used for a banquet, tea, brunch, or Keynote...
This topic is one of Esther's most popular because it is her personal testimony of facing the diagnosis, surgeries, treatments and the emotional and spiritual components associated...
Using the garden to teach how to live a Christians life among the thorns of Life. Using many characters and science and music to teach about the Grace of God....
All of the above presentations are power packed with the Word of God along with skits, and science and songs. Many characters are used to do the drama for a fun filled time of growing....