Unlock the Power of Connection! Empowering youth and transforming lives. Dive into our transformative keynote equipping Christian women with vital tools to support youth through...
Posted by Carlamay Sheremata on 04/27/2024
What does it mean to be created in God's image? Let's discover how this realization transforms our hearts and our relationships!...
Posted by Silvia Ledon on 04/26/2024
This interactive talk is based on Jenny’s book Courageous Creative, filled with creative challenges and Gospel-centered teaching. You’ll learn foundational truths your...
Posted by Jenny Randle on 04/18/2024
A Three-Session Training On DiscipleshipWe are passionate about women leading women to be fervent disciples of Jesus.The word “Leader” or “Shepherd” can sometimes...
We often use the phrase "Follow after Jesus," in our Christian circles. But what does "following" actually look like? How does it translate from the first century...
The Enduring Power of Prayer: A Legacy That Lives On: Our prayers live beyond our life, our voice continues.Have you ever wondered about the impact of your prayers? Do you ever...
Do you ever find yourself riddled with hurt – in your everyday life? From those you work with, those in your family or sadly within the church walls. We attend service faithfully,...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
If have you ever felt rejected or you lived rebellious, if your relationships aren't healthy, or you struggle relating. If you crave connection, but past hurts lead you to push...
Posted by Cynthia Martin on 04/16/2024
This powerful talk, "Shedding the Shackles," offers a path to uncovering the authentic you. Together, we'll explore how hidden shame and unhealed wounds sabotage our...
What does it mean to Live in Grace? In this 4 session retreat series, Deedy covers the topics of Saving Grace, Daily Grace, Faithful Grace and Finishing Grace. Your group will travel...
This talk dives deep into the glorious miracle of redemption and is based on the book of Ruth with four main points that include Loyalty, God's Provision, Boldness and of course,...
Posted by Heather Schimmelpfennig on 04/11/2024
We all want them- guarantees for our-Health-Relationships-Jobs-FinancesAnd so much more! Sometimes we think a map with everything highlighted would be much easier. And if you're...
Posted by Lisa Spivey on 04/05/2024