With four children, Carla McDougal has an array of humorous experiences to share throughout this topic discussion. By intertwining scripture with real life experiences, together you...
Posted by Carla McDougal on 10/31/2015
"My motto's life's too short to be too serious, I had enough of that."Laughter is like a medicine and marrow to our bones. I found out the truth, that God didn't make the bad happen...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
God said his plans for us aren't to harm us but give us hope and a future. Jer29:11 Invisible baggage that we carry in life can prevent us from going forward and living our life to...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
There is a secret place, where there is protection, peace, and help in times of trouble. I use to have a secret hiding place when I was a child but it was only temporary. Now I have...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
Worry uses up a lot of energy that could be used to be more productive. It affects you physically, emotionally, spiritually and even financially. We can quit worrying by changing our...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
When you have problems with your memory and people tell you oh, that comes with age, don't listen to them. Listen to what the bible has to say about that. The bible says,"The memory...
Posted by Deborah Finley on 10/29/2015
Trusting in God isn't an attribute reserved for Pastors and their wives or Missionaries ... Anyone can truly trust God with every fiber of their being. You just need to know the...
Posted by Shelly Brown on 10/29/2015
Even as Christian women we often allow our past mistakes to creep into our present and hinder God’s plan for our lives. The guilt and embarrassment from our past often causes...
Posted by Vicki Albrecht on 10/29/2015
2 Corinthians 3:17 says “..the Lord is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom.” If this is true then why do our lives not reflect it? Why are our hearts and...
Posted by Vicki Albrecht on 10/29/2015
This weekend will be one that is fun and yet will challenge the participant to take the next step in deepening her faith in Christ. We do this by remembering the acronym DUO. Session...
Posted by Kim Wright on 10/29/2015
Session 1: Pressing On When Life is Pressing In is based on Philippians 3:12-14. During this first session we will examine 2Corinthians 4:7-9 and talk about the things we are ie hard...
Posted by Kim Wright on 10/29/2015
This weekend is based on the seven I AM statements made by Christ. You can choose 3-4 and go a little deeper for each one or we can hit all 7. That would really be up to you. You can...
Posted by Kim Wright on 10/29/2015